Where can I find a can of Gebhardt's chili con carne?
Unfortunately, cans of Gebhardt's chili con carne have not appeared on grocery shelves for many years, but Gebhardt's Mexican Foods did share their recipe with Al and Mildred Fischer for their 1984 "Chili-Lovers' Cook Book". The recipe is as follows:
Gebhardt's Chili con Carne
Courtesy Gebhardt's Mexican Foods -- San Antonio, Texas
2 lbs. MEAT (chopped fine)
4 Tbsp. Gebhardt's CHILI POWDER
2 cloves GARLIC (minced)
4 Tbsp. FLOUR
4 Tbsp. FAT
1 lg. ONION (chopped)
1 Tbsp. SALT
1 quart HOT WATER
Use cheaper cuts of meat; cut into small chunks (DO NOT grind). Mix with chili powder, garlic and flour. Melt fat in deep pot and saute onion until tender. Add the meat and cook 15 minutes. Add salt. Gradually pour on hot water. Simmer one hour (or until tender). (Serves 4 to 6)
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