How can students access textbooks on reserve?


The library's textbooks on reserve come in three different forms: ebooks, print books, and digital reserves. If we own 2 copies we may have one copy available digitally and one available to check out in person.

  • Ebooks are textbooks that we have available in full digitally. Ebooks will be available on a database and will have a variety of access options, sometimes allowing for downloads or offline access.
  • Print textbooks on reserve are available behind the front desk. They can be checked out for two hours at a time, and they are first come, first serve.
  • Digital reserves are books that are available online, but have the same restrictions as print textbooks. Only one person at a time can use the scanned portion, the user can access the material for two hours, and files can not be downloaded due to copyright.

For more information, please view the links below. If you have any trouble finding or accessing a textbook on reserve, please use the chat box for assistance.


  • Last Updated Sep 22, 2022
  • Views 298
  • Answered By William Glenn

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