How can I find salaries for Texas state employees?


Salary information for employees of the State of Texas is difficult to locate. No Texas state agency provides a centralized website with all salaries. Other websites can contain outdated, limited, or unverified information.

Texas Tribune’s Government Salaries Explorer has been a useful resource, but their information is more limited now. "As of May 2020, The Tribune no longer publishes salaries for university, public hospital or local government employees.... We provide detailed data for all of the 111 agencies in state government and every position at each of those agencies." The information is updated four times a year.

You can contact Texas Tribune about their website at

There are other sites that contain some state salary information for universities and hospitals, including GovSalaries which is linked below. We cannot verify the source or accuracy of their information, however.

The data previously published by the Tribune is still public, and Texas’ open records law allows anyone to request it. For a standard request form that The Tribune previously used to request salaries data from universities, public schools and local governments, please see their webpage in the link below.

Additional resources for salary information include the Occupational Outlook Handbook, and the State Occupational Employment Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


  • Last Updated Sep 01, 2022
  • Views 114067
  • Answered By William Glenn

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