How can I find a measurement scale, test or questionnaire to use in my research?


Search the PsycINFO and ERIC databases for your topic and check the article information to see if the actual instrument is included in the article. Search PsycTests for information on various kinds of tests.

In PsycINFO, it is helpful to make use of the TM (Tests & Measures) search field to see what tests were used in the study.

In ERIC, it is helpful to make use of the Tests/Questionnaires search limiter. To do this, go to the advanced search - then for the Publication Type, specify Tests/Questionnaires (most of the results will be ERIC Documents).

PsycTests is a collection of testing literature culled from researchers, peer-reviewed journals, books and handbooks, dissertations, websites, the Archives of the History of American Psychology Test Collection, and commercial test publishers. PsycTests Includes information on test development, review, usage, and actual testing instruments. Tests are on a wide range of subjects, including developmental, personality, intelligence, military, and more. PsycTests does not have the full-text of the tests and measurements. The test record, however, will give you information on obtaining the instrument itself. Many of these tests are available in research articles documenting the development and validity of the instrument.

For additional information, please use the following research guides. 


  • Last Updated Apr 22, 2022
  • Views 102
  • Answered By Gamini Haluwana

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