How do I find a specific journal article?
If you are looking for a specific article, there are a couple of ways to find it:
1) You can search for the journal that the article appears in. Click on the Journals link on the library's homepage. Once there, enter the name of the journal in the search bar. If the library has access to the journal, the search results will display both online and print formats, along with available years. Pay close attention to the date ranges, because the library may not have access to every issue.
2) Use Library Quick Search on the library homepage. Type in the title of the article. In some cases, you may also need to add the last name of the author. Use the CONTENT TYPE filter on the left-hand column to narrow search results.
3) Use Google Scholar. Click the Google Scholar link on the library's homepage. Follow the instructions listed on the page and then proceed to search for the article. The search results will indicate if it is accessible through UTSA, through another university, or free access.
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