A complete list of names of S&P 500 firms with names of CEOs
To get a complete list of names of S&P 500 firms along with names of CEOs
Use Capital IQ (see the lin below) to get a such list: you need to take advantage of two functionalities available in CIQ’s Company Screening menu by adding two screening criteria - names of companies and names of CEOs - as detailed as below:
- First screening is for a list of names of S&P 500 firms:
- hoover mouse over the Screening” tab on top of CIQ page
- select “Companies” to let the “Company Screening” menu come out
- under the box “Equity Details” in the 2nd column of the menu, click “Indices”
- After the “Available Items” box comes out, add “S&P 500” into “Selected item” box in order to pull a list of S&P 500 firms out of the database, and so complete first criterion screening.
- Second criterion screening is for a list of corresponding CEOs:
- still in “Company Screening” menu
- this time choose the box “Employment/Board” and then click “Professional Job Functions”
- After the “Available Items” box popups, add “Chief Executive Office” into “Selected item” box and click “add criteria” button to complete 2nd screening process
- While following the two steps as above, you are actually putting two criteria as search screening together to request for: a list of names of S&P 500 firms side by side with a list of names of CEOs side by side. After clicking “Run Search”, you can get results with an option to download the whole list to Excel.