A complete list of names of S&P 500 firms with names of CEOs

To get a complete list of names of S&P 500 firms along with names of CEOs


Use Capital IQ (see the lin below) to get a such list: you need to take advantage of two functionalities available in CIQ’s Company Screening menu by adding two screening criteria - names of companies and names of CEOs - as detailed as below:

  1. First screening is for a list of names of S&P 500 firms:
    • hoover mouse over the Screening” tab on top of CIQ page
    • select “Companies” to let the “Company Screening” menu come out
    •  under the box “Equity Details” in the 2nd column of the menu, click “Indices
    •  After the “Available Items” box comes out, add “S&P 500” into “Selected item” box in order to pull a list of S&P 500 firms out of the database, and so complete first criterion screening. 
  2. Second criterion screening is for a list of corresponding CEOs:
    • still in “Company Screening” menu
    •  this time choose the box “Employment/Board” and then click “Professional Job Functions” 
    • After the “Available Items” box popups, add “Chief Executive Office” into “Selected item” box and click “add criteria” button to complete 2nd screening process
  3. While following the two steps as above, you are actually putting two criteria as search screening together to request for:  a list of names of S&P 500 firms side by side with a list of names of CEOs side by side.  After clicking “Run Search”, you can get results with an option to download the whole list to Excel.
  • Last Updated Aug 01, 2024
  • Views 2030
  • Answered By Charles Wu

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