Capital IQ: Industry Analysis

Ways to do Industry Analysis within the Capital IQ platform 


  • There are three ways of approaching to and conducting the Industry Analysis in CIQ:
  1. General Market Approach:
    1. click “Markets” tab on top of any CIQ page
    2. Market Analysis - Industry Analysis” page popups
    3. Get to the 3rd table entitled Sector Performance listing 11 industry sectors totally
    4. pick up an industry sector of interest, e.g.: “Consumer Staples” to get more detailed info around Industry Analysis.
  2. Specific Industry Approach:
    1. click the tab “Screening
    2. click “Companies” to get the “Company Screening” menu
    3. select “Industry Classifications” in the box titled “Company Details
    4. the “Search Industries” box popups with the name of 11 sectors listed underneath
    5. use either its search box or simply click the + sign (+ sign is next to any of headings of the 11 sectors) in order to get details for a specific industry
    6. Could add other screening items/criteria available within the “Company Screening” menu to meet more specific research interest and needs.
  3. S&P 500 Industry Analysis Approach:
    1. Type ^SPX in the top search box
    2.  get the page titled “S&P 500 (^SPX) > Index Profile” 
    3.  go to the table “Constituent Summary” at the bottom of this page
    4. click and select any particular one of the 11 S&P 500 sectors to get more detailed results for industry analysis in the territory of S&P 500.   
  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2023
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Charles Wu

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