Company committee membership: historical data

Finding historical data for last three years' company committee membership


  • Use UTSA subscription database Capital IQ (see the link below):
  1. If searching multiple company committee membership: Start by hovering mouse over the Screening” tab to select “People” > get the “Person Screening” menu then add two criteria within the following two boxes:
    1. In the Employment/Board” Box > click the “Board Job Functions> select “member of board of directors” > after adding it into the “Selected Items” box, must click the button “Add Criteria” 
    2. In “General Transaction Details” Box (most right corner of the page) > select “Dates” so to let “Transaction Dates” box popup > on the right “Time Frame” drop-down menu, select Last 3 years and click “Add criteria” button. 
    3. as above, you are putting two screening criteria together, then click “View Result” button to get results of company committee membership for last three years.   
  2. If searching single company committee membership:
    1. Start by typing a name of a company - for instance Microsoft - in the top search box of CIQ and get a search result page for this particular company
    2. from the left-hand menu, under the Peoplesection, select Board Members
    3. now get a page titled “Microsoft Corporation Board Members” and on top of that page, under the box “Customize View” click the sign + in order to get the “Status” drop-down menu
    4. select “Prior Board Members” and then click “Go” button to get all results for past Microsoft Board membership info
  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2023
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Charles Wu

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