Company committee membership: historical data
Finding historical data for last three years' company committee membership
- Use UTSA subscription database Capital IQ (see the link below):
- If searching multiple company committee membership: Start by hovering mouse over the “Screening” tab to select “People” > get the “Person Screening” menu then add two criteria within the following two boxes:
- In the “Employment/Board” Box > click the “Board Job Functions” > select “member of board of directors” > after adding it into the “Selected Items” box, must click the button “Add Criteria”
- In “General Transaction Details” Box (most right corner of the page) > select “Dates” so to let “Transaction Dates” box popup > on the right “Time Frame” drop-down menu, select “Last 3 years” and click “Add criteria” button.
- as above, you are putting two screening criteria together, then click “View Result” button to get results of company committee membership for last three years.
- If searching single company committee membership:
- Start by typing a name of a company - for instance Microsoft - in the top search box of CIQ and get a search result page for this particular company
- from the left-hand menu, under the “People” section, select “Board Members”
- now get a page titled “Microsoft Corporation Board Members” and on top of that page, under the box “Customize View” click the sign + in order to get the “Status” drop-down menu
- select “Prior Board Members” and then click “Go” button to get all results for past Microsoft Board membership info