Institutional ownership: data sources

Any UTSA subscription database covers Institutional ownership of companies?


  • Use UTSA subscription database Capital IQ (see the link below):
  1. In the Search Box, type a company name/ticker of interest to get results
  2. from the left-hand menu, under the “Investors section
  3. select either “Public Ownership” for the Institutional Ownership Details or “Private Ownership” for a list of holding Private Investment Firms

  • Use UTSA subscription database Mergent Online (see the link below):
  1. In the Search Box, type a company name/ticker of interest
  2. In the resulting page of this company, select the tab Ownership, which is the 3rd tab from the left
  3. under the first sub-tab (by default) get a page -  “Institutional holdings” - having a table listing “Top 25 Institution Holders” for that company.

  • Last Updated Feb 12, 2023
  • Views 68
  • Answered By Charles Wu

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